POWER HOUR MATERIALS General Power Hour Program Information


HYLA (High Yield Learning Activities)

Involve your youth’s parents in the Power Hour program with the following resources. Some materials are available in both English and Spanish.

Outcomes Demonstrating the Effects of your Power Hour Program: A Practical Tool Kit  This kit provides data collection instruments, template forms and guidelines that your Club can use to demonstrate the impact of its Power Hour program. Power Hour is designed to have positive effects on participants’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to homework completion and success in school. This kit will help you design and implement a strategy to measure these outcomes. Use it in conjunction with BGCA’s Demonstrating Impact: A Step-by-Step Guide to Outcome Measurement.

Training Resources Power Hour + Volunteers = Academic Success, may take up to 30 seconds to load, approx. 46 minutes,  Downloadable handouts:

Making Power Hour Work for Teens, may take up to 30 seconds to load, approx. 70 minutes, recorded 9/23/10 Downloadable handouts:

Making Power Hour Funmay take up to 30 seconds to load, approx. 35 minutes, recorded 9/16/10 Downloadable handouts:

Smarter Fun in the-Summer Other resources to help you expand, enhance and sustain your current Power Hour programming, as well as to help promote your current program to stakeholders. Power Hour Fact Sheet (PDF, 189 KB) Letter to Parents (MS Word) Letter to Teacher or Principal (MS Word) Sample Press Release 1 (MS Word) Sample Press Release 2 (MS Word) Useful Academic Enhancement Program Research (PDF, 57 KB)  After-School Program Outcomes: A Review of the Literature and Evaluation Data was prepared in fall 2008 by Branch Associates, Inc. The review describes evaluations of after-school programs that include academic enrichment activities and primarily serve diverse and low-income elementary school-aged youth. This information can be used in presentations and proposals to prospective funding sources and other stakeholders to demonstrate the need for and potential impact of Power Hour and other Club educational programming on youth.


Project Learn reinforces and enhances the skills and knowledge young people learn at school during the hours they spend at the Club. This comprehensive program strategy is based on Dr. Reginald Clark’s research showing that students do much better in school when they spend their non-school hours engaged in fun, but academically beneficial, activities. Through Project Learn, Club staff use all the areas and programs in the Club to create opportunities for these high-yield learning activities, which include leisure reading, writing activities, discussions with knowledgeable adults, helping others, homework help and tutoring and games like Scrabble that develop young people’s cognitive skills. Project Learn also emphasizes parent involvement and collaboration between Club and school professionals as critical factors in creating the best after-school learning environment for Club members ages 6-18. Extensively field-tested and formally evaluated by Columbia University with funding from Carnegie Corporation of New York, Project Learn has been proven to boost the academic performance of Club members. Project Learn Fact Sheet

  • Download the Project Learn Manual (view/print in Adobe PDF) to get started implementing the strategy in your Club today!
  • Access BGCA’s Project Learn User’s Guide online. Based on lessons learned from the many Clubs that have used BGCA’s proven education programming approach, the guide contains important information to help your Club’s leaders and stakeholders make sound decisions about Project Learn implementation.

Mind Healthy Habits is the “Mind” component of the Triple Play program. The Healthy Habits curricula is designed to teach young people about the benefits of developing healthy habits such as eating smart and being physically active; equip young people with skills to adopt healthier habits by participating in fun and engaging learning activities both at the Club and at home; and encourage young people to take small steps toward positive behavior changes. Healthy Habits The Healthy Habits curriculum, developed in 2005, features age-appropriate modules (6-8; 9-12; and teens) to teach Club members about nutrition and healthy living. Download each age-appropriate module below as needed, or the entire curriculum.





Healthy Habits, Too This new resource guide builds on and enhances the original program. There are 10 different lessons in the Healthy Habits, Too program, designed for four age groups: 6-9; 10-12; 13-15; and 16-18. Generally, each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes to conduct for 6-to-9-year-olds and about 45 minutes for older youth.

Body The “Body” component promotes becoming more physically active through fun daily fitness routines. Curricula/programs include Daily Challenges and Triple Play Leadership Clubs (formerly Sports Clubs). These resources encourage youth to become more physically active through fun fitness routines. Triple Play Leadership Clubs infuse small-group leadership and service into active play. Daily Challenges Daily Challenges are series of six non-competitive, yet challenging programs that encourage Club members to increase their physical fitness. Daily Challenges – from jumping rope to basketball and creating original games – can be conducted year-round. Download each module below as needed, or the entire curriculum. Daily Challenges, Too Building on the success of the original Daily Challenges resource guide, Daily Challenges, Too features age-appropriate ways to engage Club members in fitness activities, including developing a wide range of sport-specific skills for football, basketball, soccer, track and field, and more. Download each module below as needed, or the entire curriculum. Triple Play Leadership Clubs Triple Play Leadership Clubs (formerly Sports Clubs) are a great way to promote service, leadership, health and wellness and community partnerships. To learn more about Triple Play Leadership Clubs, including how to start and manage this small-group club within your Boys & Girls Club, click here to download the Triple Play Leadership Guide for staff members. Ready to charter your Triple Play Leadership Club?  Soul The “Soul” component of the Triple Play program encompasses the social recreation activities that are critical to positive youth development. This includes strengthening interpersonal skills, positive behavior and good character through social recreation programs. Back Pocket Program Hints Back Pocket Program Hints provides Boys & Girls Club professionals with a variety of activities and games that can be played at a moment’s notice. This booklet offers a sampling of carefully selected games and activities that have proven popular over many years with Boys & Girls Club members in all parts of the country.

  • Click here to download the original Back Pocket Program Hints guide

Back Pocket Program Hints, Too Back Pocket Program Hints, Too is an in–demand sequel to the original Back Pocket Program Hints guide, with an even greater variety of fun, age-ppropriate activities. This resource also supports BGCA’s Formula for Impact; these activities, many of which are considered high-yield, help create an outcome-driven Club Environment and help members develop healthy relationships with peers and adults.

  • Click here to order copies of the Back Pocket Program Hints, Too guide

The Smart Guide to Social Recreation Effective Gamesroom Management and Leadership, Volumes 1 and 2 Learn to run an effective Social Recreation program with the Smart Guide to Social Recreation, Volumes 1 and 2. In Volume 1, learn what is needed to set up and implement an effective Gamesroom. Volume 2 teaches members the five different components of social recreation and includes games and activities to implement with members. These easy to use manuals come with examples of games, activities and sample tournament brackets and forms.

  • Click here to download the Smart Guide to Social Recreation guides

Resources Program Tools Need a Triple Play program guide or resource? The comprehensive list below includes resources from the “Mind,” “Body” and “Soul” components. Many can be downloaded from this website, and/or ordered though BGCA’s Supply Services, as indicated below. Mind



Family Health and Fitness Tips Are you looking for ways to engage parents in fitness activities? The Triple Play team encourages all Clubs to promote healthy living; by utilizing the “Triple Play Parents Game Plan,” you will gain helpful information to share with parents and families.

Talk to your Club members and their parents about the importance – and fun! – of making and enjoying meals together as a family. Preparing and sharing meals together is a great way to help save money and combat growing obesity rates. The Home Baking Association has created several video demonstrations that can enhance your food program, save your Club and families money and help members consume healthier foods! For more information, please visit www.homebaking.org. Promotional Tools

More Helpful Tools and Resources!

Proven Results Triple Play Program Evaluation In 2008, BGCA commissioned Youth Development Strategies, Inc. to conduct a 20-month longitudinal study of BGCA’s Triple Play program. This study involved 2,242 children, ages 9-14, at 20 Clubs that implemented Triple Play and at 10 Clubs with no Triple Play program to serve as a control group. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the program had an impact on youth outcomes. Specifically, the study examined the degree to which Triple Play increases healthy behaviors and developmental outcomes for all youth and also the degree to which this impact may differ for various groups of youth. The key findings of the study were classified into four major areas. Use the appropriate links below to download the entire evaluation or the executive highlight to learn more about the positive effects Triple Play has on participation and involvement of youth.

“A Program That Works” The Promising Practices Network (PPN) offers research-based information to validate the effectiveness of programs that serve children and families, and is often referred to as a “model program” or “best practices” site. In fall 2011, the website named Triple Play a “Program that Works.” This accreditation is great for not only BGCA, but for local Clubs, as this means that Clubs may be able to garner additional resources to support their Triple Play program. Check out www.promisingpractices.net for additional information or click to download the evaluation highlights below.

Demonstrating the Effects of your Triple Play Program Triple Play programs have been designed to have positive effects on participants’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to their member’s healthy habits. Clubs can use a simple pre-test/post-test method to gain a quick snapshot of their effectiveness at implementing the Triple Play program in their Club. The surveys can be downloaded now and conducted prior to beginning a component and at the conclusion of a component in order to measure a member’s growth! Click on the following links below to download the age-appropriate surveys needed.

SMART The SMART (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) Moves program is a nationally acclaimed prevention program originally developed in the 1980s with help from prevention specialists and Clubs around the country. Newly revised in 2011, the program incorporates the latest information and approaches that BGCA has learned about effective prevention. Participants will be exposed to various activities designed to hone their decision-making and critical-thinking skills, as well as learn how to avoid and/or resist alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and premature sexual activity. The complete program package includes:





SMART Leaders 

SMART Leaders is a booster program to SMART Moves. This program keeps teens involved in the SMART Moves program after Stay SMART, reinforces skills and knowledge youth learned in SMART Moves and prepares teens as leaders to help their peers resist using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, as well as postpone sexual activity. The program was made possible through a collaborative effort among The Pennsylvania State University, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.


SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups. Through dynamic sessions, highly participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults. Download the completely revised and updated SMART Girls program here:

 Contact: Tiffani Ponder, Director, Healthy Lifestyles at (404) 487-5803 or tponder@bgca.org



Date SMART is a supplement to SMART Girls and Passport to Manhood, and an exciting new resource for Club members ages 13 to 18. Through fun and easy-to-use sessions, members learn how to achieve mutually supportive relationships free of violence and abuse. The program also encourages youth to become community advocates for relationships that promote equality and respect while combating the attitudes and behaviors that lead to dating, sexual and domestic violence. If you’d like to start this valuable program with your Club’s youth, download the Date SMART manual here (view in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat). Once you’ve completed the program, download the Group Evaluation form(view in Adobe Acrobat), distribute to participants, review their comments and incorporate their feedback into the next cycle of the program. Contact: Tiffani Ponder, Director, Healthy Lifestyles at (404) 487-5803 or tponder@bgca.org

Additional online resources and lesson plans can be found on Google. Be sure to also check out the links included on the Financial Literacy page (bgcutah.org>>About>>Financial Literacy) Full Lesson Plans for K-2 Practical Money Skills, Grades K-2 Full Full Lesson Plans for 3-6 Hands on Banking Kids Guide (Grade 3-4) Practical Money Skills, Grades 3-6 Full Full Lesson Plans for 6-8 Hands on Banking Teen Guide (Grade 6-8) Practical Money Skills, Grades 7-8 Full Full Lesson Plans for 9-12 Hands on Banking Young Adults Guide (Grade 9+) Practical Money Skills, Grades 9-12 Full Full Lesson Plans for Adults Hands on Banking Adult Guide Practical Money Skills, College Prep Full National Standards Council for Econ Ed National Standards Jump$tart K-12 National Standards Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics

Utah Afterschool Network Quality Resources


If you have any questions or are in need of assistance utilizing the Quality Tool or any of the resources, please contact UAN at 801-359-8501 or contact an OST Specialist.


Resource Library

 Key Safety and Risk Management Resources
 Abuse – Physical and Sexual
 Archived BGCA Safety Articles
AmeriCorps Member Documents [aio_button align=”left” animation=”none” color=”blue” size=”medium” icon=”list-alt” text=”Monthly Report” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AqAk6GcXBbvvkhqLuVJ6XALZZVE1vinvKJ-b-ErMqbg/viewform”][aio_button align=”left” animation=”none” color=”blue” size=”medium” icon=”list-alt” text=”Pre Survey” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://docs.google.com/a/bgcutah.org/forms/d/1MjORfJEfkOMiAM8VwDMpKEvwDjsrcUYkGmE7Pls0HWw/viewform?c=0&w=1″][aio_button align=”left” animation=”none” color=”blue” size=”medium” icon=”list-alt” text=”Post Survey” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wF3yJIzMxMPjAIlYb0874k5Ns9XpN8dv8f0hXqB7_Yw/viewform”]

FLiP FLiP is a program that is designed to increase financial awareness in youth. Many of those youth are from low-income families and this program aims to impact their future by breaking the cycle of poverty and living pay check to pay check by exposing them to financial terms, concepts, and strategies at an impressionable age. FLiP is made up of several pieces, including curriculum both nationally and locally developed, field trips, family services and interactive activities with financial partners.




Money Matters



Passport to Manhood 

