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Financial Futures: Money Matters

Financial Futures: Money Matters

How do you stack up where financial literacy is concerned? How do your children? The FINRA Foundation’s 2012 State-by-State Financial Capability Survey revealed that: 41% of Americans surveyed reported spending less than their income. 26% reported having unpaid...

A Community that Prepares

A Community that Prepares

Through every program and at every site, we provide a community to help all youth—especially those who need us most—prepare for the world and build foundations for great futures.

Franklin Elementary Site Visit

Franklin Elementary Site Visit

On Tuesday, I had chance to visit the Franklin Elementary site. Students there were engaged in several different activities and classes. This is a fun program that offers a variety of options to keep students engaged after school.

Making an Early Investment

According to a report done by the Afterschool Alliance each year’s class of high school dropouts will cost the country more than $200 billion in lost earnings and unrealized tax revenue over the course of their lives. These high school dropouts earn 24 percent less...

Success for Every Child

Success for Every Child

“The values of the world we inhabit and the people we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on who we are.” (11)

In large and small ways, our society affects today’s youth, and has a huge impact on their future successes and failures. Yes, hard work and dedication are important, so is talent, however, none of these things on their own are enough.

Magic Monday: Thanksgiving Edition

Magic Monday: Thanksgiving Edition

If you've ever asked the question "when am I going to use this in real life?" about math, you're not alone. Thankfully there are several practical applications for the subject most of us spent at least 12 years studying. One of my favorites is in cooking, and with...

Much to do around Walden

Much to do around Walden

There is a bulletin board at Walden School outside of Bev Pecoraro's classroom, highlighting all of the club options for 9th-12th grade students. These club offerings are unique, not only because they function as part of the Boys & Girls Club after school program,...

Reading: Key to dreams, potential & great futures.

Reading: Key to dreams, potential & great futures.

“Yes, it seems incredible for a book to launch a life, but it happens every day as hungry, inquisitive young minds reach out and grab hold of the new people, places and ideas that books bring to them.”

Soaring to New Heights

Soaring to New Heights

The Amelia Earhart Elementary Club is one of the new Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County sites that just opened this fall. They're off to a great start helping club members chart the course to great futures! Garrett and I had the chance to visit the new club...

Drop out for what?

Drop out for what?

According to a report published by the state of Utah, the graduation rate in 2013 was 81 percent, which is a 3 percent improvement over the previous year. In the Provo and Alpine school districts, however, the graduation rate is still at 78%. Nearly 1 in 4 students in...